Courses Taught
Here you can see a list of courses taught by Professor James Marquardt over the course of 20 +years

FIYS 195: Governing the Global Climate
(Public Policy: Governing the Global Climate.) In this seminar, students investigate the politics and policy making of on-going efforts to establish and manage a system of global climate governance. The emission of greenhouse gases associated with industrialization has steadily increased global temperatures over the past 150 years. If emissions are not reduced dramatically over the next decade or so, climate scientists have concluded that the environment will experience major and irreversible damage that threatens life on earth as we know it. For decades, countries and other international actors have been striving to build a governance system for the global climate, one that allows for the adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of its effects - and that urgently steers the world toward a post-carbon, renewable energy future. Students use concepts and models drawn from the academic disciplines of political science, economics, and public policy to study the polycentric system of global climate governance that has emerged since the late 1980s. As a major contributor to climate change and a leading global actor, the United States has a critical role to play in determining the development and effectiveness of global climate governance. Consequently, students also study how American domestic politics has shaped the United States' climate policy at home and abroad
Politics 110: Introduction to Global Politics
This course studies political behavior globally, involving countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and other international actors. It introduces students to the analytical tools – concepts, models, and theories – scholars use to explain and understand global phenomenon past and present, such as war and peace, weapons proliferation, trade and development, international law, the environment, human rights, migration, and public health.

Politics 240: American Foreign Policy
Students in this course explore the major historical developments and ideologies that have shaped American foreign policy since the founding of the Republic. We also study the models of foreign policy decision-making and the foreign policy institutions of the national government on matters related to war and national security, trade and monetary policy, and the global environment. The role of civil society in foreign policy is also considered. Special emphasis is given to the post- 9/11 era.
Politics 245: Global International Relations Theory
In this course, students survey the major theoretical models and concepts associated with the study of international relations from the western and non-western world, for the purpose of analyzing and thinking critically about contemporary international political issues.

POLS 481: Global Governance
(Senior Seminar in Global Politics/International Relations: Global Governance.) Global governance is a branch of international relations that imagines the world as a single polity. Short of establishing a world government, it studies the processes and structures, both formal and informal, associated with efforts by states and non-state actors to direct their collective activities toward finding multilateral solutions to the growing complexity of issues on the global agenda. From the environment, health, crime, and human rights to war, trade, and finance, global governance encounters a world in which there is a “governance deficit.” Despite the genuine differences among actors and the potential for acute discord resulting from their unequal interdependence, global governance involves the study of efforts at international cooperation on global issues as they pertain to agenda-setting, policymaking, implementation and enforcement, and evaluation, monitoring, and adjudication. The course combines a survey of contemporary global governance literature – theoretical, empirical, and historical – and student-directed workshops and research presentations on global governance issues.